The Timeless Influence of Iris Apfel

The Timeless Influence of Iris Apfel


If you know me even a little bit, you know that I love over-the-top fashion. In my younger days, I loved piling on layers of jewelry. Minimalism just isn't me. So, it's no wonder that I fell in love with Iris Apfel immediately after I learned about her. She was smart, savvy, unapologetic, and brave. 

I've been an Iris fan for several years. I have her book, Iris Apfel - Accidental Icon, I saw her documentary, Iris, and I've even sold some of my paintings of her at my local art gallery. As an aging 'old soul' myself, I looked to her for inspiration on how to age. Obviously, being yourself is critical to longevity. Iris worked right up until she died at age 102.

In the world of fashion, Iris was synonymous with bold, eclectic style. With her signature oversized glasses and an unapologetic love for mixing textures, colors, and eras, Iris became an icon not just of style, but of self-expression and creativity. Her influence on jewelry and accessories has been profound, reshaping how we view personal adornment and the role of accessories in fashion. 

She had the ultimate boho style.

She treated each outfit as a canvas, with jewelry and accessories as the brushstrokes that bring color, texture, and life to an ensemble. Iris Apfel's fearless use of bold, statement pieces challenged conventional notions of beauty and style, encouraging a more personal and eclectic approach to fashion.

One of the most significant ways Iris Apfel influenced jewelry and accessories was through her disregard for fashion "rules." She famously mixed high and low, ancient and contemporary, with a flair that was all her own. This approach showed that style isn't about the price tag or the brand name, but about how pieces are curated and worn together. Iris's influence has paved the way for a more inclusive approach to fashion, where creativity and individuality are the only true criteria.

Apfel's approach to accessories went beyond mere adornment; for her, accessories were an art form. She had an unparalleled ability to layer necklaces, bracelets, and rings in a way that was both harmonious and striking. This layering technique inspired fashion lovers to see jewelry not just as individual pieces, but as part of a larger, cohesive aesthetic. Iris taught us that accessories are not afterthoughts but integral elements of personal style that can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Iris Apfel's influence extended beyond her personal style; she became a muse for designers and brands worldwide. Her collaborations with major retailers and her role as a subject of a documentary film brought her unique vision of fashion to a broader audience. Her legacy is one of fearless self-expression, encouraging generations to embrace their individuality and to see fashion as a playground for creativity.

Iris Apfel's impact on jewelry and accessories is a testament to her larger influence on fashion and culture. She redefined what it means to be stylish, proving that age is just a number and that true style comes from the courage to be yourself. Her approach to style reminds us that every accessory, every piece of jewelry, is an opportunity to express who we are and to tell our own unique story.

Iris Apfel's legacy is in the confidence and joy she has inspired in others to dress for themselves.

Let's carry on her legacy!



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